Zahnriemen für LTD
Verfasst: Sa 2. Aug 2014, 01:56
Liebe Twintreiber,
im Kawasaki Twin Owner Forum habe ich diesen Beitrag zu Zahnriemen aufgeschnappt:
No one had anything close, till I came across this company:
They are willing to make a custom belt with the specific measurements for these bikes [hier Z440LTD].
33mm wide
14mm pitch
1806mm length
No minimum orders needed. They will "one-off" these for us.
Total price: $76.14 US
Now... keep in mind that this is for my 83 D5 I think the older ones used a 125T belt... I don't have one so I couldn't take any measurements.
You can call them about these belts and see if they will do the same.
Since this is not a standard product you need to call them directly and speak with the person I delt with.
Contact: 1-888-291-5450 ext 109 (Holli is the contact, just say you are looking for the Kawasaki belt)
I hope this info can help out my fellow KZ brothers! Spread the word.... she said that if they see good sales from this they would consider making it a standard product on their site which would drop the price.
Wer also einen Zahnriemen für seine LTD sucht und keine Unsummen dafür ausgeben will, könnte bei dieser Firma richtig sein :-)
In wie weit die gemachten technischen Angaben mit denen der Z750Twin BD übereinstimmen kann ich hier nicht beurteilen.
Wahrscheinlich haben die Belts der Z750Twins aber andere Abmessungen !!!
Da die Belts sowieso als Einzelstück gefertigt werden, stehen noch alle Optionen offen
LG, Michael
im Kawasaki Twin Owner Forum habe ich diesen Beitrag zu Zahnriemen aufgeschnappt:
No one had anything close, till I came across this company:
They are willing to make a custom belt with the specific measurements for these bikes [hier Z440LTD].
33mm wide
14mm pitch
1806mm length
No minimum orders needed. They will "one-off" these for us.
Total price: $76.14 US
Now... keep in mind that this is for my 83 D5 I think the older ones used a 125T belt... I don't have one so I couldn't take any measurements.
You can call them about these belts and see if they will do the same.
Since this is not a standard product you need to call them directly and speak with the person I delt with.
Contact: 1-888-291-5450 ext 109 (Holli is the contact, just say you are looking for the Kawasaki belt)
I hope this info can help out my fellow KZ brothers! Spread the word.... she said that if they see good sales from this they would consider making it a standard product on their site which would drop the price.
Wer also einen Zahnriemen für seine LTD sucht und keine Unsummen dafür ausgeben will, könnte bei dieser Firma richtig sein :-)
In wie weit die gemachten technischen Angaben mit denen der Z750Twin BD übereinstimmen kann ich hier nicht beurteilen.
Wahrscheinlich haben die Belts der Z750Twins aber andere Abmessungen !!!
Da die Belts sowieso als Einzelstück gefertigt werden, stehen noch alle Optionen offen

LG, Michael