Piston Rings - NEW

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Piston Rings - NEW

Beitrag von kaptainkwak »

Japanese are making these
 Standard Piston Rings
 Has anyone tried these?

MODIFIED - The original message said Chinese not Japanese. Sorry my mistake
Zuletzt geändert von kaptainkwak am Do 8. Jan 2015, 14:08, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: Fr 8. Feb 2013, 00:14
Wohnort: Bolton, England

RE: Piston Rings - NEW

Beitrag von kaptainkwak »

I have done some investigating.
This company supplies a UK company called Zpower. They buy Z900 big bore kits as well as other parts  and have not had any problems. I will be buying at least 2 sets to try.
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:motorrad:   Long live the Japanese Bonneville
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RE: Piston Rings - NEW

Beitrag von Michael »

Hi KK,

if the Japanese do these rings, I am sure they are ok.
Japanese quality standards, even for aftermarket products, are very high !

The Chinese just copy stuff and produce it at lowest cost and lowest quality standards.
Thanks for correcting your message ;-)

BTW: I have seen a complete piston and ring set for a Honda 500/550 Four for a little more than 100,- Euros !
I couldn't believe it, but it was confirmed that the set is including 4 pistons, 4 sets of rings, 4 [Kolbenbolzen] and their clips.

Cheers, Michael
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