Plug wires

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Plug wires

Beitrag von Dwight »

In replacing the cylinder head cover gasket, I noted that the plug wire to my right side was corroded. I cleaned it as well as possible but noticed some of the strands were broken, so I would like to replace the wires. I can't find a part number for just the wires, only the entire coil assembly. Is it possible to just replace the wires with something aftermarket?

1983 Z750K1
martin s aus b
Beiträge: 1282
Registriert: Sa 16. Feb 2008, 11:58
Wohnort: Besigheim

RE: Plug wires

Beitrag von martin s aus b »

Dwight hat geschrieben: ...just replace the wires ...
Hi Dwight,

the wire is sort of screwed to the coil. So if you turn it left you may srcew it out and replace it by an aftermarket wire.

Lieber Fahren als Putzen!
Beiträge: 4463
Registriert: Fr 8. Feb 2008, 22:25
Wohnort: Bubenheim/Treuchtlingen

RE: Plug wires

Beitrag von Michael »

Hi Dwight,

yes, you can use after market wires.

At the LTD coil just unscrew the "knurled" plastic nut and unscrew the cable as Martin described.
Attach (screw in) new cable and lock it with the plastic nut again.
Do not loose the inner parts (special plastic washer and rubber) when unscrewing the stuff.
I like the highly flexible Silicone cables most.
Not cheap, but very handy and reliable.
Ideal is to have new cables with same outer diameter as stock cables.
Fits mechanically best in the coil and is watertight.

Cheers, Michael
Denkt dran:
Die Drehrichtung des Motors an der Zündungsseite ist gegen(!) den Uhrzeigersinn.
Die Steuerkette nur bei montiertem Ventildeckel spannen, sonst droht ein kapitaler Motorschaden!
Allzeit Gute Fahrt!
Twin-Forum Anfänger
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: So 16. Aug 2015, 14:49
Wohnort: USA

RE: Plug wires

Beitrag von Dwight »

Thanks guys, I'll pull one of the wires and see if I can find something to match it locally.

1983 Z750K1